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Oceanweather Inc. (OWI) "WIN" and "PRE" file formats as supported in ADCIRC


NWS12 uses the fort.22 file as a control file because the OWI format supports individual files for wind and pressure inputs as well as multiple grid overlays of varying resolutions.

fort.22 layout:

 <...to be expanded in new verions>


  • NWSET is the number of nested grid overlays
  • NWBS is the number of "blank" (constant 0 m/s wind speed and 1013mb pressure) timesteps to insert
  • DWM is a wind multiplier to modify the wind speed magnitudes. Generally this should be set to 1 if using inputs sourced from OWI or if winds can be considered "marine exposure", with an averaging period between 10-min and 3-hrs at a height of 10 meters.

NWS12 WIN/PRE text files containing wind and pressure data should be named fort.22[1-4], as follows in order of increasing precedence in application to the ADCIRC mesh:

  • fort.221: Largest scale pressure (mb) fields
  • fort.222: Largest scale wind vector (m/s) fields
  • fort.223: Finer scale pressure (mb) fields
  • fort.224: Finer scale wind vector (m/s) fields
  • ...to be expanded in new versions

NWBS Details

ADCIRC also has the ability to insert “blank” meteorological data if it is started before the beginning of the wind data (for a tidal spinup run, for example). Blank data is characterized by zero wind speed and 1013 mb of atmospheric pressure. This capability is activated via the NWBS parameter in the fort.22 file, as mentioned above, and it interacts with the sign of the NWS value in order to provide full control over the relationship between the ADCIRC start time (either hot start or cold start) and the beginning of the meteorological data. This capability and the interaction with the sign of NWS is described below.

If a NWBS is set to a positive number, NWBS specifies the number of blank snaps to be inserted before any information is read from fort.22[1-4]. This is useful when the duration of fort.22[1-4] files does not cover an entire ADCIRC run. Two examples are as follows:

  1. If NWS=+12, and if a hot start run is attempted from the 86400th time step, and if the first set, fort.221 and fort.222 files, starts at the 172800th time step, and if WTIMINC is set to 900 in UNIT 15, then you should set NWBS to (172800-0)/900 = 192. If the start times of the two sets are different, use the earlier start time, i.e., the start time of the first set.
  2. If NWS=-12, and if a hot start run is attempted from the 86400th time step, and if the first set, fort.221 and fort.222 files, starts at the 172800th time step, and if WTIMINC is set to 900 in the fort.15, then you should set NWBS to (172800 – 86400)/900 = 96. If the start times of the two sets are different, use the earlier start time, i.e., the start time of the first set.

If NWBS is set to a negative number, then NWBS determines how many snaps in the fort.22[1-4] should be skipped before the values in the files are used. This is useful when the fort.22[1-4] starts earlier than an ADCIRC run.

  1. If NWS=+12, and if a hot start run is attempted from the 86400th time step, and if the first set, fort.221 and fort.222 files, starts at the -86400th time step, and if WTIMINC is set to 900 in the fort.15, then you should set NWBS to (-86400-0)/900 = -96. If the start times of the two sets are different, use the earlier start time, i.e., the start time of the first set.
  2. If NWS=-12, and if a hot start run is attempted from the 86400th time step, and if the first set, fort.221 and fort.222 files, starts at the -86400th time step, and if WTIMINC is set to 900 in the fort.15, then you should set NWBS to (-86400-86400)/900 = -192. If the start times of the two sets are different, use the earlier start time, i.e., the start time of the first set.


  1. When the basin and region scale grids are both used in ADCIRC, data from the region scale grid takes precedence over data from the basin scale grid in the areas where the two grids overlap.
  2. If the fort.22[1-4] files are shorter in time than the duration of an ADCIRC run, the fort.22[1-4] will run out of data. However, the file reading error should be safely caught in ADCIRC and the computation will continue with blank snaps.

WTIMINC in fort.15

Although the WIN/PRE files contain datetime and timestepping information for the input data, WTIMINC must be set to the timestep of the input files (in seconds). This limitation locks all nested grid inputs to the same input timesteps, and requires that the input timesteps are constant for the duration of the input files, although the start and end times of the nested input overlay sets may differ.

File Formatting

Winds and pressure data formats are similar. The header format is the same, but in the wind file the header is followed by U then V components while in the pressure file the header is followed by just pressures.

The file begins with a header indicating the starting and ending dates and is followed by a grid/date header for each time step and the u and v components of the wind in meters/second or pressures in millibars. Starting/Ending dates are in YYYYMMDDHH format where:

      YYYY    4-character Year
	MM    2-character Month
	DD    2-character Day
	HH    2-character Hour

example WIN:

 OWI WWS Wind Output Ucomp,Vcomp in m/s           Start:1995060600 End:1995060600
 iLat=  67iLong=  67DX= 1.250DY=  .833SWLat=  22.500SWlon= -82.500Dt=199506060000
 -1.16856  -1.06439   -.84875  -1.03460  -1.50047  -2.09462  -2.80243  -3.55863
 -4.24125  -4.84273  -5.59486  -5.37088  -5.30224  -5.12534  -4.89537  -4.67412
 -4.49203  -4.35772  -4.26612  -4.20260  -4.14746  -4.08396  -4.00686  -3.92213
 -3.83615  -3.74765  -3.65182  -3.54998  -3.45299  -3.37660  -3.32959  -3.28037
 -3.10631  -2.67723  -2.08363  -1.53773  -1.12623   -.83526   -.62870   -.47371
 [rest deleted]
  • iLat is the number of parallels
  • iLong is the number of meridians
  • DX is the grid spacing in degrees of longitude
  • DY is the grid spacing in degrees of latitude
  • SWLat is the latitude of the South West corner
  • SWlon is the longitude of the South West corner
  • Dt is the date/time in YYYYMMDDHHmm (same as master header date format but with mm Minutes as well)

The number of grid points is iLat*iLong, the u component of the winds in meters/second is followed by the v component.

Sample code

Sample fortran to read a win file (first time step only):

c     Read in begining/ending dates of win file
10    format (t56,i10,t71,i10)      
      read (20,10) date1,date2
c     Read Grid Specifications/Date
11    format (t6,i4,t16,i4,t23,f6.0,t32,f6.0,t44,f8.0,t58,f8.0,t69,i10,i2)
      read (20,11) iLat, iLong, dx, dy, swlat, swlong, lCYMDH, iMin
c     Read U/V Components of the wind
12    format (8f10.0)
      read (20,12) ((uu(i,j),i=1,ilong),j=1,ilat)
      read (20,12) ((vv(i,j),i=1,ilong),j=1,ilat)

Latitude and Longitude for each point can be calculated as follows:

      do 20  icnt = 1,iLat
        slat(icnt) = SWlat + (icnt - 1) * DY
20    continue
      do 30  jcnt = 1,iLong
        slon(jcnt) = SWlong + (jcnt - 1) * DX
30    continue